Monday, 21 March 2011

As I began...

Today I begin a blog...

As I go through life I think it is great to have somewhere to debrief, reflect and think. Some people like to do this in their head - me I like to be out there, so today I started a blog.

The thought for today is pumpkins.

My flatmate today got given a pumpkin. Why do you give a pumpkin to somebody?
It could be an inside joke in which case you might wander to think what could possibly be the joke about that. Perhaps, my flatmate was holding a pumpkin and dropped it, it broke and so needs a replacement. Or perhaps it is a gift to show love towards that person?

Whatever the case it seems that pumpkins are a great gift - my flatmate loved it.

Do you think that pumpkins are crazy? I do.
Every pumpkin I see seems to have a different skin - some have green, some have a pale brown.
All are connected to a stem pumpkin which is where you get the bump on the pumpkin.

I found though that my thoughts toward this pumpkin got progressively more violent, as I thought about cutting it up. It was the stabbing right into the heart that first caught me - I could stab it with a knife. Then I thought wow when you are cutting a pumpkin it is quite violent an act. You slice and then have to pull and push on the knife to make it go down and cut it into places.

Then I found myself drifting on the process of burning the pumpkin, som call it cooking. Whatever the name for it - it is putting it in a hot oven and it coming out soft and squishy.

I caught myself and brought myself back down to reality, realising it is a pumpkin and has no thoughts or feelings. It is a vegetable. Thank goodness I realised this, otherwise it could have got messy.

The pumpkin is now happily residing on the fridge - there it will rest until its final days.

Pumpkins - the vegetable with ging inside!

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